How To Work from Home and Homeschool

If you already work from home and want to be able to homeschool your children, these ideas will help you find make room in your schedule.

One thing many homeschoolers try to do is avoid having strict schedules.  After all, that tends to be one of the pitfalls of public education.

Set a Schedule for Breaks

Find Natural Breaks in the Day

Since our kids go to bed early, I am able to use another hour or so after bedtime in order to wrap up anything time-sensitive that I wasn’t able to accomplish that day.

To help make the most of the breaks in between subjects, I have a to-do list that is sorted by time.

Categorize Your To-Do List

I tried to find a curriculum that would allow my kindergartner some independent learning time.

Find Independent Homeschool Curriculum so You Can Work From Home

One way I find some extra time during homeschool hours so I can work from home is by supplementing with educational television shows.

Supplement with Educational Resources

Just listing all of this out is making me tired!  Don’t forget, in all of this busyness and schedules, make sure to write in some time for yourself.

Make Time for Yourself

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