13 Financial Freedom Mistakes You Don’t Know You’re Making (and How You Can Fix Them Today)

These are the financial freedom mistakes you don’t know you’re making and how to fix them today.

You can correct this financial freedom mistake right now!  Once you do, you’ll double the interest earned (bank dependent).

You don’t have high interest saving and checking accounts

You haven’t invested in high dividend stocks to ensure financial freedom

High dividend stocks will provide you a monthly or quarterly income for doing nothing more than holding that stock.

Both Swagbucks and Receipt Hog are apps that you can download today.  Which you absolutely should do, right now.

You aren’t using Swagbucks or Receipt Hog.

Saving money is hard. The mistake that you are making, however, is thinking about saving in order to get financial freedom.

You don’t have automatic savings set up to ensure financial freedom

This financial freedom mistake is the most serious of all. You need to minimize your debt.

You haven’t paid down your debt using the snowball method to increase your financial freedom

If you don’t have an emergency fund and an accident occurs you have either draw from your savings, your current paycheck, or go into debt/take out a loan.

You don’t have an emergency fund.

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