17 DIY Valentine's Day Boxes for Kids

Here is a roundup of adorable Valentine’s Day boxes that kids can make! These Valentine's Day boxes are perfect for a children’s school Valentine’s Day party, or an at-home Valentine’s Day DIY craft!

 If you love pandas, unicorns or pandicorns (or is it pandacorns?), you will love this pandicorn panda unicorn valentine box. There is also a free printable template to make it even easier!

DIY Panda Unicorn Valentine Box

Mermaid DIY Idea: Valentine Card Box

Use an old laundry detergent container to make a Valentine's Day card box! The great thing about this project is the Valentine box can be also used for decor after the holiday.

Taco 'bout awesome! Collect your Valentines in this adorable Taco Valentine Card Box! When it comes to Valentine's Day, making Valentine day boxes can become a fun family tradition!

Taco Valentine Card Box

Make a Valentine's Dog House Box with felt! These adorable Valentine's Day boxes take the form of a miniature dog house, adding a playful and heartwarming touch to the celebration!

Valentine’s Dog House Box - Puppy Love

Make a unique unicorn valentines box with Duct Tape! Grab a shoebox and the free patterns, add a unicorn horn, ears, and even a flowing mane - all with colorful tape.

DIY Unicorn Valentine's Box with Duct Tape

Make a cactus Valentine box with a Cricut Maker. This cuter-than-cute fun idea will be perfect for Valentine's Day class parties! Also comes with an idea for matching "Youre Stuck With Me" cards.

Cactus Valentine Box

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