How to Make Blessings Bags for the Homeless + Free Printable

Help the men and women on the street with these blessings bags for the homeless that you can make with your kids and keep in your car to hand out. Free printable included!

How many times have you stopped at an intersection and seen people begging on the corner?

It happens to us on a weekly basis, and it’s heartbreaking.

(If you’re judging them, read this post on why you should be throwing stones at others.)

We rarely carry cash with us, and for a long time, we didn’t have anything to give.

Until we started couponing.

With couponing, we get grocery items for free and we have quite a large gift closet.

Once every few months, we go through all of the items we’ve collected for free (or under a quarter) that we won’t be using ourselves and use them to create these blessing bags for the homeless!

We grab some gallon-size Ziploc bags and fill each one with items that could be useful to those who are reduced to asking for help from strangers on the street.

What to Put in Your Blessings Bags for the Homeless

Here are some of the items we put into these blessings bags for the homeless. You can find great deals for many of them in our Facebook Amazon deals group!


  • toothpaste
  • toothbrush
  • toothbrush travel covers
  • deodorant
  • floss
  • shampoo
  • conditioner
  • body wash
  • nail clippers
  • $5 McDonald’s gift card
  • $5 phone card
  • quarters
  • pens
  • small notepad
  • toilet paper
  • feminine care products
  • crackers
  • granola bars
  • dried fruit
  • gum/mints
  • candy bar
  • instant oatmeal packets
  • beef jerky
  • canned tuna
  • plastic spork (or camping spork)
  • powdered drink mix
  • socks
  • bandaids
  • neosporin
  • cough drops
  • lotion
  • chapstick
  • razor
  • sunscreen
  • mosquito repellant
  • wind-up flashlight (no need for batteries!)
  • hand sanitizer
  • wet wipes/diaper wipes
  • comb
  • pain reliever (like tylenol or aspirin)
  • inspirational quote on a notecard
  • hand/foot warmers
  • gloves
  • laundry soap tabs
  • dryer sheets

Inspirational Notes + Free Printable

Here is a list of scriptures and quotes you could include with your blessings bags for the homeless.

Cast all your anxiety on Him because he cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7

Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Matthew 6:34

You are known and remembered by the most majestic, powerful, and glorious Being in the universe.  You are loved by the King of infinite space and everlasting time. Dieter F. Uchtdorf

You matter!  Here are a few things to brighten up your day and to remind you that there is someone concerned for you.

You may be down on your luck right now, but let this bag remind you that you are important!

The least significant person in the world is worth more than galaxies and worlds to our Father in Heaven. Gordon B. Hinckley

You can download these inspirational thoughts as a PDF or use the image below:

How to Make Blessings Bags for the Homeless

How to Share Your Blessings Bags for the Homeless

We keep about 5 blessings bags for the homeless in each of our cars. Sometimes we pass more than one homeless person on a drive downtown, so we like to have several available.

They are under the passenger side front seat in our car, so the driver can easily reach them at a stoplight. They wouldn’t do much good in a trunk! (Nor would it be safe to stop and take them out at a traffic light, even if the light is red.)

As you share them, keep in mind this quote by Albert Schweitzer:

I don’t know what your destiny will be, but one thing I do know: the only ones among you who will be truly happy will be those who have sought and found a way to serve.

Blessings Bags from Other Bloggers

Here are some of our favorite blessing bags for the homeless from other bloggers!

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How to Make Blessings Bags for the Homeless

Check out our blessings bags webstory.

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  1. Thank you for sharing this! This is absolutely wonderful and I can’t wait til my husband and I get our bags started!

  2. This is such a GREAT idea! Especially for getting kids involved with helping their communities. I love putting a touch of inspiration in the bags. We always filled up brown bag lunches for the homeless shelter as a school project. The little ones would decorate the outside of the bag. I think writing encouraging messages would be another great way to integrate this project. Thanks so much for the idea!

  3. Often wondered how I could help others in need. This is a wonderful idea I will definitely try. Thanks for sharing.

  4. This is so very Charitable I love it. I am definitely gonna do some. Thanks very much

  5. Sometimes the most significant things that we can do, are the most simple. Thank you for sharing this post and reminding us of what we can do.

  6. These are wonderful suggestions however, no hand sanitizer or mouthwash. It contains alcohol and those who are addicts have been known to drink it. Wet wipes would be better.

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