Come Follow Me 12/16/2024 – Devotionals & FHE for Kids

If you find these Come Follow Me 12/16 devotionals and other ideas for kids useful, please share them with others!

You can get all of the devotionals here.

Last week’s devotionals

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Family Home Evening for Come Follow Me 12/16 for Kids


An Angel from on High (Hymns #13)


Moroni 10:27–29, 34


  • This is the very last chapter in the Book of Mormon. We’ve studied almost 1,000 years of Nephite and Lamanite history this year!
  • Watch the video Moroni inviting us to come to Christ
  • Moroni walked a long way so that we could have the Book of Mormon and hear its message.
  • What does that make you feel about it?
  • What you you like to say to Moroni when you meet him in the next life?


Make a box out of toy bricks or blocks and pretend you are Moroni burying the plates.


Dirt pudding cups

Scripture of the Week for Come Follow Me 12/16 for Kids

Work on memorizing this scripture with your children during the week for Come Follow Me 12/16: Moroni 10:4–5

When ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost.

And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things.

You can download these tracing sheets as a PDF.

Devotionals for Come Follow Me 12/16 for Kids

Remember that these are guidelines for you to use in your daily Come, Follow Me 12/16 devotionals with your children!  Please don’t feel as though you have to use every single question, journal entry, or activity.  Just make sure you look at the activity in advance so you can gather any materials they may require.

Here is a general outline for each devotional for Come Follow Me 12/16:

  • Start by singing the song together and saying a prayer
  • Read the scripture together, then your family can have a discussion using the questions/comments provided.
  • Copy the journal entries into a spiral notebook.  The child or the parent can write the question at the top, after which the child can write or draw an answer.
  • Have fun together doing the activity as a family!

Modifications for older children for Come, Follow Me 12/16 daily devotionals:

  • Explore the footnotes for each of the scriptures listed in Come, Follow Me 12/16
  • Ask additional discussion questions found in the Personal Study section of Come, Follow Me – For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 for Come Follow Me 12/16
  • Instead of answering the journal entry with a drawing, you can create a study journal (a simple spiral notebook will work) to answer the question with a few sentences or paragraphs, depending on the child’s age.
  • Here are some ideas for marking your scriptures.

Monday Devotional


I Know My Father Lives (Children’s #5)


Moroni 10:2


  • The word “exhort” means to urge strongly, to give warnings or advice.
  • Moroni has lots of things he wants to exhort us to do in this chapter. This week, we will make a list of those exhortations.
  • Why should we listen to his exhortations?

Journal Entry

What does Moroni exhort us to do? (add to this list every week)


Play Simon Says.

Tuesday Devotional


Search, Ponder, and Pray (Children’s #109)


Moroni 10:3–7


  • The Book of Mormon and all of its stories are either true or a lie.
  • How can we know if the Book of Mormon is true? What does Moroni tell us?
  • What should we read, remember, ponder, and ask to gain or strengthen our testimonies of the Book of Mormon?

Journal Entry

How can I strengthen my testimony of the Book of Mormon today?


“Book of Mormon Boggler” (January 2008 Friend)

Wednesday Devotional


A Special Gift Is Kindness (Children’s #145a)


Moroni 10:8–19


  • We all have spiritual gifts. Moroni lists a lot of them here. What are they?
  • What are some other gifts that we might have that aren’t on this list?
  • Let’s think about some of our gifts that we have. What should we do with them?
  • How do some people deny their gifts?
  • How can we bless others with the gifts that we have?

Journal Entry

What are some of my spiritual gifts?


Take this spiritual gifts assessment for fun.

Thursday Devotional


An Angel Came to Joseph Smith (Childrens #86a)


Moroni 10:27–29, 34


  • Moroni says that he will see us at the “judgment bar of God.” What does this mean?
  • What do you think these verses mean?
  • What will you want to say to Moroni on Judgment Day?

Journal Entry

How can I prepare today for Judgment Day?


The Golden Plates: From Moroni to Joseph coloring page

Friday Devotional


Listen, Listen (Children’s #107)


Moroni 10:30–33


  • What does Moroni tell us in these verses about what we need to do?
  • What does it mean to come unto Christ?
  • Do we have to be perfect now? No, it’s about Christ’s grace. What does that mean? (The Atonement)
  • What are we told to do so His grace is sufficient for us?
  • What can we do to show that we love Him?
  • How can we deny ourselves of all ungodliness?

Journal Entry

How can I come to Christ today?


Make a Plan of Salvation file folder

Primary Children’s Activities for Come Follow Me 12/16

The Come, Follow Me – Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 manual suggests that you look at this month’s issue of the Friend magazine for more ideas.

There is also an activity page in this week’s section of the CFM manual.

Sunday Ideas for Kids for Come Follow Me 12/16

Use Sundays for a time of reflection; share what you discussed that day in each of your classes.  Did you learn anything new or hear a different perspective about what you studied this week?

If you went to a class that did not use the Come, Follow Me 12/16 Manual, then share what stood out to you the most in your class.

Take a few minutes to talk about what parts of Sacrament Meeting you felt like were meant for you

If your younger children are struggling during Sacrament Meeting, try using these Ideas and Activities to Keep Toddlers and Kids Quiet During Church

Here are some activities that go along with this week’s topic in Come Follow Me 12/16

Sunday Kids Activities for Come Follow Me 12/16

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Are these Come Follow Me 12/16 ideas for children useful for you?  If so, please share on Pinterest or Facebook!

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