Come Follow Me 5/30/2022 – Devotionals & FHE for Kids
If you find these Come Follow Me 5/30 devotionals and other ideas for kids useful, please share them with others!
You can get all of the devotionals here.
Last week’s devotional
- Family Home Evening
- Scripture of the Week
- Devotionals
- Primary Challenge
- Sunday Activity Ideas
- Share on Pinterest!
Family Home Evening for Come Follow Me 5/30 for Kids
- Talk about the story of Samson. It was his covenants that gave him physical strength. His hair was just a symbol of those covenants.
- Our covenants give us spiritual strength like the did for Samson physically.
- What ways can we exercise our spirits?
Do some exercises as a family.
Scripture of the Week for Come Follow Me 5/30 for Kids
Work on memorizing this scripture with your children during the week for Come Follow Me 5/30: Judges 8:23
And Gideon said unto them, I will not rule over you, neither shall my son rule over you: the Lord shall rule over you.
Here are some ideas for marking your scriptures. You can download these tracing sheets as a PDF.
Devotionals for Come Follow Me 5/30 for kids
Remember that these are guidelines for you to use in your daily Come, Follow Me 5/30 devotionals with your children! Please don’t feel as though you have to use every single question, journal entry, or activity. Just make sure you look at the activity in advance so you can gather any materials they may require.
Here is a general outline for each devotional for Come Follow Me 5/30:
- Start by singing the song together and saying a prayer
- Read the scripture together, then your family can have a discussion using the questions/comments provided.
- Copy the journal entries into a spiral notebook. The child or the parent can write the question at the top, after which the child can write or draw an answer.
- Have fun together doing the activity as a family!
Modifications for older children for Come, Follow Me 5/30 daily devotionals:
- Explore the footnotes for each of the scriptures listed in Come, Follow Me 5/30
- Ask additional discussion questions found in the Personal Study section of Come, Follow Me – For Individuals and Families for Come Follow Me 5/30
- Instead of answering the journal entry with a drawing, you can create a study journal (a simple spiral notebook will work) to answer the question with a few sentences or paragraphs, depending on the child’s age.
You might also enjoy these Come Follow Me Workbooks for Kids:
Monday Devotional
Choose the Right Way (Children’s #160)
- After Joshua dies, the Israelites fall into a bad pattern of worshipping idols, being punished by the Lord, then repenting for a short time.
- Each time they repented, the Lord called a military leader, called a “Judge.” Not all judges were righteous, but many were.
- The book of Judges can serve as a warning to us: even after we experience the Lord’s power in our lives, it is always possible to fall away.
- The book can also provide encouragement to those who do fall away, for the Lord offers a way back.
- What do these verses teach you about the Lord?
- What can you do to remain more consistently faithful to Him?
Journal Entry
How can I be more faithful to the Lord today?
Tuesday Devotional
I’m Trying to Be like Jesus (Children’s #78)
- Deborah was one of the few female judges.
- What influence did she have on those around her?
- What words or actions of Deborah show you that she had faith in the Lord?
- What do you feel Deborah meant by her question in verse 14: “Is not the Lord gone out before thee?”
- The Savior has walked our path – He goes before us and we follow His example. He will guide us and show us the way and keep us safe.
Journal Entry
How can I follow Deborah’s and Christ’s examples?
Wednesday Devotional
Nephi’s Courage (Children’s #120) verse 3
- To receive the Lord’s miracles in our lives, we must trust in His ways, even when His ways seem unusual.
- The story of Gideon is an example of this. The Lord kept having Gideon make the army numbers smaller and smaller.
- How did the Lord work an unlikely miracle when Gideon’s army defeated the Midianites?
- What do you feel the Lord is trying to teach you?
- How have you seen the Lord do His work in ways that seem unlikely?
Journal Entry
What is something the Lord has asked me to do that may seem unusual?
Thursday Devotional
I Believe in Being Honest (Children’s #149)
- Samson is one of the most well-known judges.
- How was Samson’s mother faithful?
- What were some of the covenants that she and Samson made?
- Samson had extreme physical strength from the Lord because he kept his covenants.
- Samson broke his covenant by marrying someone who was not an Israelite. She ended up tricking him.
- What do we learn about the importance of keeping covenants from these chapters?
Journal Entry
How can I follow the example of Samson’s mother?
Friday Devotional
I Will Be Valiant (Children’s #162)
- Samson’s wife was killed, and he married another non-Israelite named Delilah.
- He told her about where his strength came from, even though he knew she couldn’t be trusted.
- In the end, the Philistines tied Samson up. He gained his strength back and pulled down the building, which killed him and his enemies.
- What do we learn about the consequences of breaking covenants?
- What do we learn about repentance?
Journal Entry
What can I learn from Samson’s story?
Primary Children’s Assignment for Come Follow Me 5/30
The Come, Follow Me – For Primary manual contains a section in each week’s lesson entitled “Encourage Learning at Home.” Here is this week’s invitation for Come Follow Me 5/30:
Invite the children to share with a family member something they learned today that makes them want to keep the commandments.
Sunday Ideas for Kids for Come Follow Me 5/30
Use Sundays for a time of reflection; share what you discussed that day in each of your classes. Did you learn anything new or hear a different perspective about what you studied this week?
If you went to a class that did not use the Come, Follow Me 5/30 Manual, then share what stood out to you the most in your class.
Take a few minutes to talk about what parts of Sacrament Meeting you felt like were meant for you. If your younger children are struggling during Sacrament, try using these Ideas and Activities to Keep Toddlers and Kids Quiet During Church
Here are some activities that go along with this week’s topic in Come Follow Me 5/30:
Sunday Kids Activities for Come Follow Me 5/30
- Do this week’s free activity pages from Color Me Christian
- Read or watch Russell M. Nelson, “With God Nothing Shall Be Impossible,” Ensign, May 1988, 33–35.
- Some Stats About Samson – Use your Bibles to find the answers to several questions about Samson
- Free worksheets about Samson
- Deborah was a Judge in Israel Jigsaw Puzzle
- Old Testament review worksheet
- Deborah was a Judge in Israel Word Tiles
- Deborah was a Judge in Israel Color by Number
- God Helped Deborah Lead the People Coloring Page
- Deborah was a Judge in Israel Match Game
- More free printables about Samson
- Lots of free printables about Gideon
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