Come Follow Me 8/5/2024 – Devotionals & FHE for Children

If you find these Come Follow Me 8/5 devotionals and other ideas for kids useful, please share them with others!

You can get all of the devotionals here.

Last week’s devotionals

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Family Home Evening for Come Follow Me 8/5 for Kids


I Am a Child of God (Children’s #2)


Alma 42:4


  • Before you begin, write attributes of Christ on small pieces of paper and hide them around the room.
  • Have the children look for them and see how many they can find within a minute (or other appropriate time.)
  • Alma’s son Corianton made a big mistake, but he thought the choice would make him happy. Alma teaches him about the purpose of this life.
  • Talk about how our lives are finite here on the earth and our purpose is to grow and become like Christ while we are here.
  • What would have happened if you got distracted by a toy during the search?
  • How can we use our time here on earth more effectively?


Play Hide and Seek


Hide and Seek biscuits

Scripture of the Week for Come Follow Me 8/5 for Kids

Work on memorizing this scripture with your children during the week for Come Follow Me 8/5: Alma 41:10

Do not suppose, because it has been spoken concerning restoration, that ye shall be restored from sin to happiness. Behold, I say unto you, wickedness never was happiness.

You can download these tracing sheets as a PDF.

Devotionals for Come Follow Me 8/5 for Kids

Remember that these are guidelines for you to use in your daily Come, Follow Me 8/5 devotionals with your children!  Please don’t feel as though you have to use every single question, journal entry, or activity.  Just make sure you look at the activity in advance so you can gather any materials they may require.

Here is a general outline for each devotional for Come Follow Me 8/5:

  • Start by singing the song together and saying a prayer
  • Read the scripture together, then your family can have a discussion using the questions/comments provided.
  • Copy the journal entries into a spiral notebook.  The child or the parent can write the question at the top, after which the child can write or draw an answer.
  • Have fun together doing the activity as a family!

Modifications for older children for Come, Follow Me 8/5 daily devotionals:

  • Explore the footnotes for each of the scriptures listed in Come, Follow Me 8/5
  • Ask additional discussion questions found in the Personal Study section of Come, Follow Me – For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 for Come Follow Me 8/5
  • Instead of answering the journal entry with a drawing, you can create a study journal (a simple spiral notebook will work) to answer the question with a few sentences or paragraphs, depending on the child’s age.
  • Here are some ideas for marking your scriptures.

Monday Devotional


Choose the Right Way (Children’s #160)


Alma 39:9-13, 15


  • This week we are going to study what Alma said to his youngest son, Corianton.  This is very different than with Helaman and Shiblon, because Corianton had been making a lot of wrong choices.
  • This week we will see Alma tell Corianton bluntly about the sins that he (Corianton) has committed and about the Plan of Salvation.  But we will also see Alma show love and testify of repentance and a change of heart.
  • How do you think Alma’s experiences when he was younger will help Corianton?
  • What do repent and forsake mean?

Journal Entry

Who can I share my testimony of repentance with?


Have the child hold a heavy object for a long time.  Ask how it feels, then take it away amd see how light they feel.  Explain that sin feels like that – it stays with us until we repent.

Tuesday Devotional


I Am like a Star (Children’s #163)


Alma 39:1, 10–11


Journal Entry

How can I be a good example today?


Let Your Light Shine puzzle

Wednesday Devotional


I Lived in Heaven (Children’s #4)


Alma 40:2-7, 11-14, 23; 41:3-6, 10


  • When Alma noticed that Corianton had questions about the Resurrection, he taught him about what happens after we die.
  • Write these words on separate pieces of paper: deathspirit world (paradise and spirit prison)resurrection, judgment. Have the children put them in order as you read the verses.
  • What do you learn in the verses that we read about what happens after death?
  • If your children know someone who has died, talk briefly about that person and where they are (Spirit World). Share your testimony about the resurrection, which will happen because of Jesus Christ.

Journal Entry

What will my body be like when I am resurrected?


Cut out and make the Plan of Salvation

Thursday Devotional


Search, Ponder, and Pray (Children’s #109)


Alma 41:9


  • Even though Alma was a prophet, he didn’t have all the answers about the Plan of Salvation
  • Alma says several times throughout this chapter that he doesn’t know some things.
  • What did Alma do when he had a question?
  • Are there things that you don’t have the answers to?  What can you do when you have a question?

Journal Entry

What can I do when I have a question?


Connect-the-dots “Listen for His Voice”

Friday Devotional


I Will Follow God’s Plan (Children’s #164)



  • Corianton didn’t feel like it was fair that people should be punished for their sins.  What do you think?
  • What would our lives be like if there were no rules at all and everyone did what they wanted?
  • Justice says that for every sin, there is a punishment.  Because Adam and Eve ate the fruit and left the Garden, people can commit sin.
  • Jesus came to earth and died for us.  He suffered the punishment of our sins so He can give mercy to us if we follow what He says.
  • Watch the video The Mediator and talk about how mercy can’t rob justice, but Christ can help both be met.

Journal Entry

How can I show mercy to others today?


Make a simple obstacle course.  Have each person go through it while looking backwards, then let everyone go through it looking forward.  Discuss how doing the obstacle course while looking forward is like forgiveness.  When we forgive, we can forget about the hurt feelings and problems of the past and focus on the future, which makes getting through life much easier.

Primary Children’s Activities for Come Follow Me 8/5

The Come, Follow Me – Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 manual suggests that you look at this month’s issue of the Friend magazine for more ideas.

There is also an activity page in this week’s section of the CFM manual.

Sunday Ideas for Kids for Come Follow Me 8/5

Use Sundays for a time of reflection; share what you discussed that day in each of your classes.  Did you learn anything new or hear a different perspective about what you studied this week?

If you went to a class that did not use the Come, Follow Me 8/5 Manual, then share what stood out to you the most in your class.

Take a few minutes to talk about what parts of Sacrament Meeting you felt like were meant for you

If your younger children are struggling during Sacrament Meeting, try using these Ideas and Activities to Keep Toddlers and Kids Quiet During Church

Here are some activities that go along with this week’s topic in Come Follow Me 8/5

Sunday Kids Activities for Come Follow Me 8/5

  • Do this week’s free activity pages from Color Me Christian (or do them in the workbook if you purchased it from Amazon).
  • Watch “To Look Upon” about King David and pornography. Pause the video each time that David could have made a different choice. How are David’s choices similar to choices you might face?
  • Read Bradley R. Wilcox, “Worthiness Is Not Flawlessness,” Liahona, Nov. 2021, 61–67.
  • Watch “Lessons I Learned as a Boy
  • Go through some of these articles from the Friend magazine about pornography.  Choose ones that are approprate for your children and discuss them.
  • “Be Thou an Example” (November 2010 Friend). Decipher this code to find out how you can be an example.
  • Read “Treehouse” (August 2003 Friend). Have there ever been times when people around you were being disobedient and it was hard for you to be a good example? Discuss how Jordan reacts and how you could follow his example in similar situations.
  • Watch the video “The Jar” about justice and mercy when a young man went away to college.
  • “Let Your Light Shine” (October 2007 Friend). A hidden word puzzle.
  • Read “Only 10 Dollars” by Emma C. Miller. Discuss the way in which you have seen mercy in your lives. Testify of the importance of the atonement of Jesus Christ and how only through His mercy we can satisfy justice and live with our Heavenly Father.
  • Watch “Forgiveness: My Burden Was Made Light
  • Watch Elder Holland’s video about justice, love, and mercy when two boys  try to climb a cliff without ropes.
  • Look at this visual aid that shows what Alma explained to Corianton about good being restored to good and evil to evil.
  • Choosing the Right Through Study and Prayer– Maze
  • My Choices Have Consequences- Make this wheel to find out the consequences for various actions
  • Choose the Right– Find the matching pictures.
  • Play a game or sing a song in which the children follow or imitate you, such as “Do as I’m Doing” (Children’s Songbook, 276). Let each child have a turn being the leader or example. Ask the children how they can be a good example to someone.
  • Show the children the two bags or boxes, and explain that one has something undesirable in it and the other has something desirable in it. Show one of the children what is in the boxes. Tell the other children that they can ask the child yes or no questions about the items (with the exception of directly asking which is the good or bad container) until they can decide which is the good choice. Ask the children if it helped to talk to someone who was informed about which was the bad choice and which was the good choice. Point out that it also helps to counsel with those who are experienced in righteous living in order to get help and direction in making good choices in life.
  • Demonstrate this with an empty toilet paper roll or paper towel roll. Shove the dirt covered paper towels into the cardboard roll. Ask what would happen if you continued to shove dirty paper towels into the roll. (They would come out the other end.) What happens when we fill our minds with things that are unclean? They come out and manifest themselves through unclean actions.  Show another toilet paper roll and fill it with clean paper towels and ask the children what will come out the other end. Explain that the clean paper towels represents doing things like going to church, participating in church activities, reading our scriptures, participating in family home evening, etc. When we fill our lives with things that are good and uplifting, our thoughts and actions become clean. Corianton should have spent his time doing his missionary work which would have helped him keep his thoughts clean.

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Are these Come Follow Me 8/5 ideas for children useful for you?  If so, please share on Pinterest or Facebook!

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  1. I just wanted to let you know that I found your website recently and I really appreciate your effort to put these resources together for Come Follow Me. I appreciate that they are free and accessible and they have been a blessing for me and my kids. I’m a very busy mom of 10 kids, so this has helped me go deeper in studies with my children plus give more hands on activities for my little ones. I hope you feel that your efforts doing these is worth it. They have blessed our family. Thank you!

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