14 Patriotic 4th of July Cheesecake Desserts You Need

Here is a list of patriotic 4th of July cheesecake desserts that you can make for the rest of the summer holidays like Memorial Day and Independence Day!

We absolutely love cheesecake (and cream cheese desserts) in our home.  The fact that Phillip proposed to Tiffany after having dinner at The Cheesecake Factory probably has something to do with that. So here are some patriotic cheesecake ideas for you!

For us, no holiday is complete with some sort of cheesecake dessert, and that includes the patriotic holidays! Think of that cream cheese mixture, the whipped cream, powdered sugar, lemon juice, with a touch of food coloring and a graham cracker crust… delicious!

Here is our guide for delicious desserts made from cheesecake that you can make for the summer holidays like Memorial Day and Independence Day.

FYI – these cheesecake desserts are a perfect addition to our 200 patriotic party ideas!

Patriotic Cheesecake Desserts

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