Come Follow Me 3/13/2023 – Devotionals & FHE for Children

If you find these Come Follow Me 3/13 devotionals and other ideas for kids useful, please share them with others!

You can get all of the devotionals here.

Last week’s devotionals

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Family Home Evening for Come Follow Me 3/13 for Kids


The Oxcart (Children’s #219)


Matthew 11:28–30


  • What does it mean to have a heavy burden?
  • When have you felt that life is hard?
  • Who can you ask for help?


Get a wagon. Load it up with rocks/bricks until the kids can’t pull it anymore. Help them out and show that they can do a lot more when someone is helping pull their responsibility.


Deviled eggs (yoke/yolk…get it?) or peanut butter eggs

Scripture of the Week for Come Follow Me 3/13 for Kids

Work on memorizing this scripture with your children during the week for Come Follow Me 3/13: Matthew 11:28–30

Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

Here are some ideas for marking your scriptures. You can download these tracing sheets as a PDF.

Devotionals for Come Follow Me 3/13 for Kids

Remember that these are guidelines for you to use in your daily Come, Follow Me 3/13 devotionals with your children!  Please don’t feel as though you have to use every single question, journal entry, or activity.  Just make sure you look at the activity in advance so you can gather any materials they may require.

Here is a general outline for each devotional for Come Follow Me 3/13:

  • Start by singing the song together and saying a prayer
  • Read the scripture together, then your family can have a discussion using the questions/comments provided.
  • Copy the journal entries into a spiral notebook.  The child or the parent can write the question at the top, after which the child can write or draw an answer.
  • Have fun together doing the activity as a family!

Modifications for older children for Come, Follow Me 3/13 daily devotionals:

  • Explore the footnotes for each of the scriptures listed in Come, Follow Me 3/13
  • Ask additional discussion questions found in the Personal Study section of Come, Follow Me – For Individuals and Families for Come Follow Me 3/13
  • Instead of answering the journal entry with a drawing, you can create a study journal (a simple spiral notebook will work) to answer the question with a few sentences or paragraphs, depending on the child’s age.

You might also enjoy these Come Follow Me Workbooks for Kids:

Monday Devotional


How Gentle God’s Commands (Hymns #314)


Matthew 11:28–30


  • What are some of the burdens we may have? (Sin, trials, health issues).
  • What are burdens others have?
  • How can we help others and ease their burdens?

Journal Entry

Whose burden can I ease today?


Bible Coloring: Y is for Yoke

Tuesday Devotional


Saturday (Children’s #196)


Matthew 12:1–13


  • The teachings of the Pharisees differed from the Savior’s in many ways, but especially in how to honor the Sabbath day.
  • What is my attitude towards the Sabbath Day?
  • How can I bring my attitude in line with the Savior’s teachings?

Journal Entry

What can I plan to do this Sunday to keep the Sabbath Day holy?


“Sending Sunday Letters” (June 2019 Friend)

Wednesday Devotional


Teach Me to Walk in the Light (Children’s #177)


Luke 11:33–36


  • What does it mean to be full of light?
  • How can we make ourselves full of light?
  • How can we bring the Savior’s light into our lives? Our home? Our world?

Journal Entry

What can I do to fill myself with light today?


Coloring Page – You Are the Light of the World

Thursday Devotional


Hum Your Favorite Hymn (Children’s #152)


Luke 11:37–44


  • Wash some dishes together. What if we only washed the outsides of things like bowls and cups?
  • How are we like bowls and cups? (We have an inside and an outside).
  • How do we clean our outside? (Things we do and say.)
  • How do we clean our inside? (Thoughts, desires.)
  • We need to be righteous not just in outward deeds, but also in our thoughts and feelings.

Journal Entry

How can I clean my inside today?


“Pure In Heart” Beatitudes Coloring Page

Friday Devotional


I Need My Heavenly Father (Children’s #18)


Matthew 12:34–37


  • People who are bad on the inside but try to show good on the outside are called hypocrites.
  • Eventually, our words, our thoughts, and our actions will be judged by God.
  • Will we feel comfortable with our hearts showing?
  • How can we have good treasure of the heart? How does it bring forth good things?

Journal Entry

How can I have good treasure in my heart today?


Primary Children’s Assignment for Come Follow Me 3/13

The Come, Follow Me – For Primary manual contains a section in each week’s lesson entitled “Encourage Learning at Home.”  Here is this week’s invitation for Come Follow Me 3/13:

Invite the children to share with their families ideas to keep the Sabbath day holy.

Sunday Ideas for Kids for Come Follow Me 3/13

Use Sundays for a time of reflection; share what you discussed that day in each of your classes.  Did you learn anything new or hear a different perspective about what you studied this week?

If you went to a class that did not use the Come, Follow Me 3/13 Manual, then share what stood out to you the most in your class.

Take a few minutes to talk about what parts of Sacrament Meeting you felt like were meant for you. If your younger children are struggling during Sacrament, try using these Ideas and Activities to Keep Toddlers and Kids Quiet During Church

Here are some activities that go along with this week’s topic in Come Follow Me 3/13

Sunday Kids Activities for Come Follow Me 3/13

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Are these Come Follow Me 3/13 ideas for children useful for you?  If so, please share on Pinterest or Facebook!

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