Come Follow Me 9/16/2024 – Devotionals & FHE for Kids
If you find these Come Follow Me 9/16 devotionals and other ideas for kids useful, please share them with others!
You can get all of the devotionals here.
Last week’s devotionals
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- Family Home Evening
- Scripture of the Week
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- Sunday Activity Ideas
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Family Home Evening for Come Follow Me 9/16 for Kids
Samuel Tells of the Baby Jesus (Children’s #36)
- Five years have passed since Samuel the Lamanite came, and the wicked people said that anyone who still believed on a certain day would be killed.
- Imagine you were a believer during this time. How would you feel about everything that was going on? Would you want to say you didn’t believe anymore?
- What did they do to keep their faith strong? How can we have strong faith like those believers?
- Watch Chapter 41: The Signs of Christ’s Birth
God keeps His promises rainbow craft
Scripture of the Week for Come Follow Me 9/16 for Kids
Work on memorizing this scripture with your children during the week for Come Follow Me 9/16: 3 Nephi 5:13
Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life.
You can download these tracing sheets as a PDF.
Devotionals for Come Follow Me 9/16 for Kids
Remember that these are guidelines for you to use in your daily Come, Follow Me 9/16 devotionals with your children! Please don’t feel as though you have to use every single question, journal entry, or activity. Just make sure you look at the activity in advance so you can gather any materials they may require.
Here is a general outline for each devotional for Come Follow Me 9/16:
- Start by singing the song together and saying a prayer
- Read the scripture together, then your family can have a discussion using the questions/comments provided.
- Copy the journal entries into a spiral notebook. The child or the parent can write the question at the top, after which the child can write or draw an answer.
- Have fun together doing the activity as a family!
Modifications for older children for Come, Follow Me 9/16 daily devotionals:
- Explore the footnotes for each of the scriptures listed in Come, Follow Me 9/16
- Ask additional discussion questions found in the Personal Study section of Come, Follow Me – For Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 for Come Follow Me 9/16
- Instead of answering the journal entry with a drawing, you can create a study journal (a simple spiral notebook will work) to answer the question with a few sentences or paragraphs, depending on the child’s age.
- Here are some ideas for marking your scriptures.
Monday Devotional
Stars Were Gleaming (Children’s #37)
- Nephi was worried about the believers being killed. He prayed, and he was told that the sign of Christ’s birth would come the next day.
- What reason did the Lord give them to “be of good cheer”?
- How can we be of good cheer, even when we’re scared?
- The sign came! There was a day, a night, and a day where there was no darkness.
- What does this tell us about the words of the prophets?
- What are some other stories of the prophets’ words being fulfilled?
Journal Entry
What can I do today to strengthen my faith in Heavenly Father’s promises?
Draw a picture of the people during the night with no darkness. Make sure to include the new star in the skiy!
Tuesday Devotional
Picture a Christmas (Children’s #50)
- The people had seen an incredible miracle, but after only just a few years they were back to being wicked again.
- What miracles have we seen in our lives? How can we remember them?
- Discuss how the Spirit giving us our testimonies is more powerful than seeing miracles.
Journal Entry
What have I witnessed that has strengthened my testimony?
Create a gratitude journal where the child can write or draw one thing each day that strengthens their testimony.
Wednesday Devotional
Behold! A Royal Army (Hymns #251)
3 Nephi 2:11–12; 3:1–26; 5:24–26
- One of the results of the wicked people was the Lord no longer protecting them from the Gadianton robbers. These robbers made the people have to leave their homes and gather in one place to be safe.
- We don’t have to leave our homes, but we face spiritual dangers. What did the Nephites do? What can we do to be safe?
- Gathering together as Saints is important. We strengthen each other.
Journal Entry
What can I do today to be protected from spiritual danger?
Take a pencil or toothpicks and ask the child to break it (or break it yourself if they aren’t strong enough) by snapping it in half. Do that 10 times. Now take 10 pencils and try to do it at once. Show how we are stronger together than apart.
Thursday Devotional
I Stand All Amazed (Hymns #193)
- The Gadianton Robbers wanted to come kill the Nephites.
- What did the Nephites do when they saw the robbers coming?
- How did the Lord protect them?
- How does the Lord protect us when we call upon Him in faith?
- How did the Nephites respond afterward? Can you think of times when the Nephites were not this grateful?
- How can you show more gratitude to your Heavenly Father?
Journal Entry
What has Heavenly Father given me?
Play with this gratitude dice.
Friday Devotional
I Will Be Valiant (Children’s #162)
- Mormon said he was a disciple of Jesus Christ. What does it mean to be a disciple of Christ? (Doctrine and Covenants 41:5)
- Mormon interrupted the story of the Nephites to say he was a disciple. Then he told of Nephi, another disciple.
- How can we be disciples like these men were?
Journal Entry
What can I do today to show I am a disciple of Jesus Christ?
Primary Children’s Activities for Come Follow Me 9/16
The Come, Follow Me – Home and Church: Book of Mormon 2024 manual suggests that you look at this month’s issue of the Friend magazine for more ideas.
There is also an activity page in this week’s section of the CFM manual.
Sunday Ideas for Kids for Come Follow Me 9/16
Use Sundays for a time of reflection; share what you discussed that day in each of your classes. Did you learn anything new or hear a different perspective about what you studied this week?
If you went to a class that did not use the Come, Follow Me 9/16 Manual, then share what stood out to you the most in your class.
Take a few minutes to talk about what parts of Sacrament Meeting you felt like were meant for you
If your younger children are struggling during Sacrament Meeting, try using these Ideas and Activities to Keep Toddlers and Kids Quiet During Church
Here are some activities that go along with this week’s topic in Come Follow Me 9/16
Sunday Kids Activities for Come Follow Me 9/16
- Do this week’s free activity pages from Color Me Christian (or do them in the workbook if you purchased it from Amazon).
- Read/watch “Samuel Teaches about Jesus” for young readers.
- Read President Russell M. Nelson’s address “Joy and Spiritual Survival” (Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2016, 81–84). and discuss how to find joy in any situation.
- On a piece of paper, help your children trace their hand and cut the tracing out. Write “I am a disciple of Jesus Christ” on one side, and invite them to draw something they can do to be a disciple on the other side.
- Read Disciple of Christ in the Friend and discuss as a family
- Watch the video The Signs of Christ’s Birth
- Put on the play The Day There Was No Night.
- Hang a paper star on the wall in your home and play hot/cold trying to find it.
- Complete this packet from Chicken Scratch n Sniff
- Ask full-time missionaries or ward missionaries if they have experiences seeing people become stronger by coming into the Church as opposed to trying to be righteous on their own.
- Read How to Be a Disciple in the New Era. Talk about how your family can do the things on the list.
- “The Great Work of God” (July 2012 Friend). President Dieter F. Uchtdorf explains some of the blessings of the Church. Includes an activity to look up scriptures about the blessings and match them to pictures.
- Coloring Page: “Jesus Can Help Me Do Hard Things” (October 2019 Liahona and Friend)
- “Sharing Time: I Belong to the Church of Jesus Christ” (January 2003 Liahona and Friend). An explanation of being a member of an organization. Includes a printable booklet about being a member of the Church.
- Read “Be Thou Strong and Very Courageous” (August 2015 Friend)
- Draw your own versions of these Bright Ideas posters and Mormonads. Hang them in your house to remind you.
- Bright Idea Poster: “Be of good cheer, and do not fear, for I the Lord am with you, and will stand by you.” (October 2012 Friend)
- Bright Idea Poster: “Be strong of a good courage.” (March 2012 Friend)
- Bright Idea Poster: “I can do hard things!” (August 2019 Liahona and Friend)
- Mormonad: Ready or Not
- Mormonad: Adversity Can Make You Strong
- Mormonad: Onward Christian Soldiers
- Mormonad: Things Aren’t Always What They Seem
- Mormonad: Popularity
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For the treat it just says f. Just wanted to make you aware.