Free Decluttering Programs and Ideas

Clean up the mess in your home with these free decluttering programs and ideas that will help you live a more minimalist lifestyle.

Hey y’all, Tiffany here.

We’ve always planned on having a big family, but several miscarriages has led to our children being a bit spaced out in age. We also decided to foster before finding out we were pregnant with baby #3. We found out the week we got our foster license!

I’ve tended to keep all of the baby clothes and toys and other clothes as the kids have gotten older for future use. When we found out I was pregnant with #3, I decided to pull out all of the clothes from the closets.

Y’all, I’m not even kidding when I say that I found two – not one, but two large storage tubs for 6-9 month old clothes. Just for girls.

At the time of this decluttering of the closets (which I did without any free decluttering programs), my kids were 6 and 3. I had over 20 very, very large bins full of clothes they had outgrown. No wonder their closets looked like they were about to explode!

I now know that I am a hoarder and probably need professional help.

Deciding what clothes and baby items and toys to get rid of was difficult. But in the end, I had an amazingly garage sale. And the kids could put stuff in their closets!

After this big purge, I began to notice how many other things I’ve collected. I tend to have a mindsent of “but I may need this someday.”

So to help myself out, I decided to look for some free decluttering programs. Here are my favorites. Hopefully these free decluttering ideas will be as helpful for you as they were for me! (And to stay clutter free, try doing these 10 things every night!)

You may also want to get your kids involved with this age-appropriate chores list and free printable kids chores chart!

Free Decluttering Programs

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Free Decluttering Programs

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