30+ Songs About Miscarriage

30 songs from a mom who has had four miscarriages that help process the sorrow and grief. A miscarriage can be a difficult remembrance to have. These songs provide gentle quotes about the loss of a baby, either miscarried or stillborn, to help promote the emotional healing of a grieving mother.



Update: I’ve now (in 2023) had 5 miscarriages and four live births.

Miscarriage #3

One day I took a    

It wasn’t, though.  I started bleeding one weekend, and just like that, it was another miscarriage.

I started bleeding on a Sunday.  And then there was the cramping.  And then the ER doctor poked his head in the room and said, “Got all the tests and ultrasound results.  You’re not pregnant.  The nurse will be right by with your discharge papers.”

Then that was it.  Within two seconds, I was suddenly “not pregnant.”

I don’t think he meant to be callous and abrupt; I could hear a lot of commotion outside of my hospital room door.  And in the big scheme of things, a miscarriage of a barely-pregnant woman versus a heart attack or stroke…..

Well, I can understand – take the time to save the life you can, not the soften the feelings about the one you can’t.

But it didn’t lesson my heartache.  And I began the process of healing.  Again.

Healing with Songs About Miscarriage

It’s amazing how badly this hurt.  Just because it was my third didn’t diminish the pain.  Thankfully, Phillip isn’t out of town for this one (like he was the first), and I’m not travelling for CASA (which I was for the second).

Even so, there’s no real way to forget that this happened for a bit, to numb the pain.  I tried to escape into the pages of a book, only to be interrupted by contractions and having to change the pad again.  Even my favorite book about when God doesn’t fix it wasn’t of use.

Like many people, I use music to help me heal.  But I’m not talented with regards to music or the arts – I can’t draw, can’t compose, and can’t carry a tune.  However, I love and embrace the words and emotions of others that are put into song.

So as I once again composed a Sonos playlist with songs about miscarriage to help me through this (because I don’t keep them after I don’t need them), I wanted to share some of these songs with you.

These songs about miscarriage are for anyone experiencing loss, whether it’s an unborn baby, a child, spouse, family member, friend….the pain is there.

I hope and pray that your pain eases.  That your bad days get a little less bad and a little less frequent.  Because that’s how recovery is.  The waves of anguish will begin to wash over you less frequently, and they won’t hit as hard.

I know.  I’ve been through those stages of grief many, many times.

Until then, take refuge in these beautiful words from songs about miscarriage.

The songs about miscarriage on this post underneath the pin are a few of my favorites, but you can GO HERE to see the full YouTube playlist with all 30+ songs.

Favorite Songs to Heal From a Miscarriage

Songs about miscarriage
songs about miscarriage

An earlier version of this post Tiffany wrote was published on The Crazy Shopping Cart

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  1. I can’t imagine the pain of so many losses. My heart goes out to you! A song that I just stumbled upon that treats the subject really beautifully is Chris Keats piano song After You. It’s painful and hopeful at the same time, I’m finding it really comforting in this dark moment. x

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