Here Are My Top 6 Money Saving Tips to Prepare for Twins

Finding out you’re pregnant with twins can be a shock. Make sure you read these top 6 money-saving tips to prepare for twins!

“Wow. Double the baby, double the cost!”

I heard that comment more than once when I announced I was pregnant with twins.

The first time I heard it, my mind went racing.

How will I afford to feed two babies?

How much will childcare for two babies cost?

We will go broke buying diapers!

Two cribs, two bouncers, two swings, two car seats… Oh. My. Goodness!

Hi, I’m Shelby.

I am sure those questions and worries circled the minds of many twin parents after their first ultrasound. Who can blame us? Raising children is expensive, and two babies born at once is a lot to prepare for! Especially if you have to help siblings adjust to a new baby – or in this case, TWO new babies!

I’m here to tell you that while, yes, raising more children does cost more money, having twins does not have to break the bank. I was able to find ways to remain frugal, and still use quality products that would be safe for my twins. 

Here are my top 6 money-saving tips to prepare for twins

Here are six invaluable money-saving tips to ensure you’re well-prepared for the arrival of twins. From budget-friendly baby essentials to smart shopping strategies, these tips will help you navigate the journey of parenting twins without breaking the bank.


One of the first things I thought when I found out I was pregnant was, “We will need SO many diapers!” What I found to be a great money-saving tip was to purchase at least one box a week throughout my entire pregnancy. Preparing for a twin pregnancy can be overwhelming, but this proactive approach helped alleviate some financial strain early on by spreading out the cost of essential items like diapers over time.

You can’t really anticipate any sensitivities or preferences for diapers until the time comes to use them. However, most stores are very good about accepting returns or exchanges for unopened packages or boxes of diapers.

Keep your receipts taped to each box when you can, but if you aren’t able to (or misplace them-hello with pregnancy brain!) many stores can use your debit/credit card or photo ID to complete the exchange. 

And if you have a bad baby brain, check out this one-month-old sleep schedule to help your kids sleep better.

We were lucky to have a room for a nursery with a sizeable closet in which to store the diaper box mountain.

Twins and twin ‘stuff’ take up a LOT of room, and it may not be possible for one baby to store all those boxes. If you don’t have the room to stockpile diaper boxes for identical twins and newborn twins, there is an alternative way to “stockpile” before you have the diapers! This strategy can be especially helpful for parents expecting multiple babies, ensuring they have the necessary supplies without overcrowding their living space.

Purchasing a store gift card (like Target or Walmart) in the approximate amount of a box of diapers each week can help you “stock up” without needing storage room. For example, if a box of Huggies diapers is $24.85, you can purchase a gift card each week for $27 to account for tax and a little wiggle room for product markups. 

Target also has some really great baby department “gift card with purchase” deals! During those weeks, I purchased enough boxes of diapers to meet that minimum (often $50 or $75) to receive a gift card. You can use that gift card for more diapers, or hold on to them for other baby necessities that come up down the road. 

Learn more about how to get gift cards at Target here.


2. Buy second-hand clothing and furniture.

Once we found out we were expecting twins, I made sure to scour every thrift store discount day, Facebook Marketplace, and yard sale. I was able to buy a TON of clothing for $0.25 to $1.00 per item. This in itself is a HUGE money-saving tip to prepare for twins, as buying outfits new from a retailer can cost on average anywhere between $8 and $35. 

People are always eager to sell baby clothing lots on Facebook Marketplace and are almost always up to negotiate the price. Many parents will find that they are home for the majority of the first few months, so existing minor stains will only be added to! Shopping for gently used baby clothes can be a budget-friendly option for many parents, allowing them to stretch their budget further while still providing their newborns with quality clothing.

I didn’t worry too much about having matching outfits for the twins in the smaller sizes. Spit-ups and blowouts happen, and those matching outfits soon may not match. 

Purchasing second-hand furniture is something to be cautious about, but not something to rule out entirely. Be sure you can closely inspect the item before paying for it, and do a quick Google search on the model to check for any recalls. Both of our cribs, co-sleepers, swing, and bouncer were second-hand, and they worked great for us!

3. Borrow items from friends, family, and neighbors.

When our family found ourselves with baby items we no longer needed but were reluctant to part with, we discovered the beauty of lending them out to friends, other family members, and neighbors. Items like bouncers, swings, and activity jumpers, which had served us well, found new life and purpose with loved ones who needed them. Rather than letting these valuable resources collect dust in storage, we opted to share them with others in our community, creating a network of support and mutual benefit. This simple act of borrowing and lending not only save space and money but also fostered a sense of connection and generosity among those involved.

Moreover, if you find yourself in need of items but unsure where to turn, don’t hesitate to reach out beyond your immediate circle. Whether it’s through online communities, local groups, or word of mouth, there are often kind-hearted individuals willing to lend or even gift items for free. This approach not only helps alleviate financial strain but also reinforces the spirit of community and goodwill.

And when the time comes for you to pass on these borrowed or gifted items, whether due to other children outgrowing them or simply no longer needing them, consider paying it forward. Look for another parent or caregiver who could benefit from your generosity, especially if they are expecting twins like you once were. By sharing the love and support you received, you contribute to building a cycle of kindness and support within the parenting community, creating a ripple effect of gratitude and solidarity.


4. Breastfeed when you are able.

Breastfeeding and pumping breastmilk can be a great money saving tip when you have twins. Everyone knows that formula is expensive, and doubly-so when feeding twins! Breastfeeding or pumping is a time-consuming but amazing way to feed your twins.

While you will not spend a lot of money breastfeeding or pumping, you will spend a lot of time. Here’s how I increased my milk supply while pumping for my twins.

You can also read about Tiffany’s journey with increasing breastmilk here.

Choosing to feed your twins breastmilk instead of, or alongside, the formula can lead to significant savings of hundreds or even thousands of dollars during their first year of life. This was a decision I made personally, opting for a hybrid approach of feeding my twins with both breastmilk and formula. Despite struggling to produce enough milk for two babies, incorporating breastmilk into their feeding routine proved to be immensely rewarding, both emotionally and financially.

By utilizing a combination of breastmilk and formula, I was able to provide my twins with the nourishment they needed while also managing the challenges of breastfeeding. This approach not only ensured that my babies received the benefits of breastmilk but also allowed me to supplement their diet economically when necessary. The cost savings associated with breastfeeding, such as the absence of formula expenses and reduced healthcare costs, added up significantly in preparing for twins over the course of their first year.

Read about why Tiffany was unable to nurse here.

5. Purchase store-brand products when possible.

There has always been a stigma surrounding how parents and children see the quality of store brands, otherwise known as generic products. The concern that people have with store-brand baby products is “I trust the big-name brand, how can I know this generic is a safe and good product?” Here’s a little secret that you should know… Many times brand products are produced by larger label companies, in the SAME factory- and YES, this includes baby products like diapers, wipes, and formula! The only big differences in these cases are the name on the label and the price tag.  These days, stores have put a lot of effort into finding a large label company to produce their store brands so they can provide quality products to consumers at a lower cost. So try out those store brands and save some major cash!

By opting for store-brand products whenever possible, consumers can reap substantial savings without sacrificing quality or safety. These products offer a cost-effective alternative without compromising on performance or reliability. Plus, with the knowledge that many brand-name products come from the same manufacturing facilities, there’s added peace of mind in choosing store-brand options.

So, the next time you’re stocking up on baby essentials or household staples, consider giving store-brand products a chance. You’ll not only save money but also discover that quality and affordability can indeed go hand in hand, making every purchase a win-win for both your budget and your family’s needs.


6. Buy in bulk.

Our twins are almost 3 years old now, but we went through so many diapers and wipes during the past few years. When we were still diapering normally, we liked to purchase 2 boxes of Costco’s Kirkland brand baby wipes every 1-2 months. 

These boxes go on sale fairly regularly, and you can get up to $2 off each box when this happens, making each box about $18. The cost per Kirkland wipe and the diaper is comparable to, or lower than other store-brand wipes and diapers, and the quality is great!

It was beneficial for us to have plenty of wipes on hand. We kept at least one package in our diaper bag, one in our car, and several throughout the rest of the house. You never know when or where a mess will happen, especially with twins!

In addition to the convenience of having wipes readily available, buying in bulk has also helped us better manage our budget. By purchasing larger quantities at a discounted price, we’ve been able to stretch our dollar further while ensuring we never run out of essential supplies.

Overall, buying in bulk, especially when it comes to items like diapers and wipes, has been a smart and practical choice for our family. It has allowed us to stay well-stocked, prepared for any situation, and mindful of our budget, making the parenting journey a little bit easier.

Yes, it is possible to maintain a frugal budget with these 6 money saving tips as you prepare for twins.

Twins are indeed more expensive. If you can use even one of these tips in preparation for your first year with twins, you could save yourself hundreds throughout the first year alone. These tips have saved me a TON of money in the months leading up to and since having twins.

Hopefully, these tips and advice will help you as you prepare to welcome your two (or more!) new beautiful bundles of joy. Planning ahead for multiple births, and taking care and implementing cost-saving strategies can alleviate financial stress and allow you to focus more on enjoying precious moments you spend together with your little ones.

About the Author of Money Saving Tips to Prepare for Twins

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Shelby is a professional blogger at Twinning A to Z, and a mother of twin toddler girls, Aria and Zelda (her A to Z). Living in Iowa with her husband and twins, she enjoys spending her time starting but never finishing projects, blogging about her parenting experiences, and cooking new recipes from Pinterest. Shelby uses her experience as a twin mom to help guide new parents through the adventures of parenting multiples.

You can read more and follow Shelby at:

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