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Fun LEGO Activity Ideas - for all ages!

LEGO Challenges and Activities for Kids

Are you looking for a LEGO class curriculum for your homeschool or classroom? Or perhaps you just need some ideas for fun LEGO activities and games to do inside on a rainy day. Challenge cards, island disasters, building…
Super Easy Six Minute Instant Pot Spaghetti

Super Easy Six-Minute Instant Pot Spaghetti Recipe

Are you ready for the world’s easiest spaghetti recipe for a quick, cheap dinner? This instant pot spaghetti recipe cooks in just minutes, and you don’t have to boil noodles over a hot stove! Get spaghetti and meatballs…

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7 Benefits of Joining a Prenatal Yoga Class

Still undecided whether to join prenatal yoga classes? Here are some of the top reasons to start your classes. Prenatal yoga classes offer benefits that will improve your experience during pregnancy and childbirth. It will help prepare your body and avert complications that might affect you or your baby.
Prophet and Apostles Infographics

Prophet and Apostles Infographics

Get ready for General Conference by learning about the leadership of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints with these prophet and apostle infographics!
Restoration Proclamation Study

Restoration Proclamation Study

Get ready for the upcoming General Conference for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints with this nine part Restoration Proclamation study.