Captain Moroni Visual Aid Object Lesson

In the Book of Mormon war chapters, Captain Moroni fortifies the City of Noah to protect against the Lamanites.  This Captain Moroni visual aid makes a great object lesson or Family Home Evening (FHE) activity and teaches how we can strengthen our families in the same way.

Hey y’all, Tiffany here.

I first used this Captain Moroni object lesson as a visual aid while as a missionary in Puerto Rico for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

We used it to teach FHE lessons to members and investigators as a way to encourage them to apply the Book of Mormon to their daily lives.

This visual aid is a great way to demonstrate a principle from the war chapters in the Book for Mormon and how it applies in the modern world to our families. It shows how our families are under attack and how we can best protect them, just like Captain Moroni protected the City of Noah.

Instructions are included, as well as a diagram of how the layout should look.

This visual aid can be printed and laminated. It makes a great gift for your soon-to-be missionary, or even your current one. It can also be used in the home as a fun Family Home Evening activity to go along with Come Follow Me to teach little ones about a great Book of Mormon story.

Captain Moroni Object Lesson Instructions

You can download these instructions as a PDF here to use this Captain Moroni object lesson.

Read Alma 49:1-15 (or give a brief summary and read verses 14-15).

Next read Alma 50:1-6.  As you read about each part, lay down its “puzzle piece.”

  • City (in the center)
  • Heaps of earth (in a square around the city)
  • Works of timber (in another square around the city)
  • Frame of pickets (a third square around the other two squares)
  • Towers (in the corners of where the squares are)
  • Arrows (two on each side of the square, attacking the city from the outside of the squares)
captain moroni object lesson

Explain that this Captain Moroni object lesson teaches us how to apply Captain Moroni’s actions to us in the latter days.  As you do each explanation, flip over the “puzzle piece.”

  • City – this is our family, which we need to protect
  • Heaps of earth – this is the center of our protection, which include the 4 principles of the gospel: faith, repentance, baptism, and the Holy Ghost
  • Works of timber – Sunday worship, including sacrament, Sunday school, Priesthood, and Relief Society
  • Frame of pickets – Outside help, including home teachers, family prayer, family scripture study, and family home evening.
  • Towers – ways of keeping a look-out for temptation, including words of the prophets’ words, personal scripture study and prayer, temple attendance, and personal testimony.
  • Arrows – these are temptations that Satan uses to attack us; shown are just a few examples

If at any time we remove one of the pieces of our fortress, we open up ourselves to attack.

captain moroni object lesson

Captain Moroni Object Lesson Manipulatives

Here are all of the images you need to print out for our Captain Moroni object lesson!  We recommend laminating them.  You can click on each image and save it, or you can download them all as a PDF here.

Directions for Printing

These manipulatives are all color-coded.  Do NOT print them double-sided; they aren’t lined up for that.

Print each page individually, then cut out each item.  Glue the City of Noah Sides back-to-back with the corresponding colors of the Family Sides.

For example, glue the back of a red “Lamanite Arrows” onto the back of the red “lying” arrow.

Once the glue has dried, laminate the pieces and cut them out to make them last longer.

City of Noah Side

Family Side

captain moroni object lesson
captain moroni object lesson
captain moroni object lesson
captain moroni object lesson

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captain moroni object lesson

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  1. This is really great! I’m a visual learner (as are most of our kids), and even though I’m am adult, I’ve never really gotten a clear image of what their efforts looked like, and I’ve never heard this applied to Our families!!!

  2. Thank you for sharing this idea! I used it in my Primary class in 2024 with the 7-8 year olds. I dubbed them Nephite soldiers and had them build tents with beach towels and chairs to face the chalkboard to hear what Moroni’s plan was going to be for each city. It took about 10 mins to get through it all (while disciplining the soldiers) and had them repeat the plan back while their using their pieces to cover mine (instead of the “turning over” idea). I would have discussed more how we are asked to protect our families, but I ran out of time. It was a great visual aid in understanding how to apply scripture teachings!

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