Daniel Tiger Potty Training Chart Free Printable

A free printable Daniel Tiger potty training chart for kids and toddlers who are learning how to use the potty and are toilet training.

Recently, we decided it was time for our third child to be potty trained. He is almost three years old, and he was showing all of the signs that he was ready to learn how to use the toilet, including:

  • Having a dry diaper for more than two hours on their own
  • Telling you when they need to be changed
  • Finding a certain spot to poop or pee privately
  • Is older than 18 months of age
  • Able to pull their own shorts down and up again
  • Appears interested in wearing underwear
  • Can follow simple instructions

Usually when we potty train kids (which we’ve done for our own, as well as our foster kids), we let them run around without a diaper on for a few days, then introduce training underpants.

We also usually use a little potty chair and watch Daniel Tiger goes potty episodes (season 2 episode 1 and season 10 episode 4), as well as read Daniel Tiger potty books.

I swear, everything I’ve learned about parenting has come from watching Mrs. Tiger with Daniel. 🤣🤣 #momgoals amiright? Daniel Tiger is one of the few educational TV shows for kids that I let my children watch.

But for some reason, though, potty training just wasn’t quite clicking with this child.

I finally gave in and read the book Potty Training in 3 Days: The Step-by-Step Plan for a Clean Break from Dirty Diapers by Brandi Brucks.

I was very surprised at many of the things Brandi in her book suggested, including putting kids in underwear on the first day instead of running around without clothes.

I was doubtful, but I decided to give it a try – and to my surprise, it worked!

We also followed her suggestions to not use a little potty chair, but instead we replaced our toilet seats with a built-in insert – only after he fell into the toilet TWICE on two different occasions.

Now, with those inserts and these stools, our two year old can get on and off the potty all by himself!

Another suggestion she had in the book was to not just reward with a small treat (we chose M&Ms), but also use a sticker rewards chart.

Since we were talking so much about Daniel Tiger, I decided to make this printable Daniel Tiger potty training chart. The reward for filling the chart was five tickets from the Do-Dots system to use in our family store.

Free Printable Daniel Tiger Potty Training Chart

Here’s my free Daniel Tiger potty training chart for you. You can just save the image and print it, or you can download it as a PDF.

You might also want to check out this free printable Elmo potty training tracker chart, too.

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  1. I love this Daniel Tiger potty training chart! It’s so cute and makes the process more fun for my little one. Thank you for sharing such a helpful resource!

  2. This potty training chart is adorable! I love that it’s themed with Daniel Tiger; it makes the process more fun for my little one. Thank you for providing this free printable! It will definitely help keep us motivated!

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